Raw photo support for MythGallery

This patch has been included in MythTV 0.24. The easiest way to get raw photo support is to upgrade.

MythTV is a PVR that includes a photo gallery called MythGallery. MythGallery does not natively support raw photos, however. Many users manually convert their photos to JPEG or TIFF images for viewing.

This is a MythGallery patch that adds support for raw photos. The raw file decoding is handled by dcraw.


  1. Install the dcraw utility. The following command will work on Debian-like systems.

    sudo apt-get install dcraw
  2. If you want to use a custom color profile, make sure it is installed. The profiles usually have an ICC extension. The standard location for profiles is in the /usr/share/color/icc directory. If you don't know what a color profile is, then you don't need one.

  3. Install the Subversion client. The following command will work on Debian-like systems.

    sudo apt-get install subversion
  4. Download the MythTV source using the Subversion client. Select the 0.22 stable branch. If you are using any other MythTV version, this patch will probably not work. See the MythTV development instructions for more information.

    cd /usr/local/src
    svn co http://svn.mythtv.org/svn/branches/release-0-22-fixes/ mythtv-0-22
  5. Find the mythplugins directory

    cd mythtv-0-22/mythplugins
  6. Download the dcrawplugin patch to the mythplugins directory. Either use the link at the bottom of the page or the following command.

    wget http://chad.parry.org/software/mythtv/dcrawplugin.patch
  7. Apply the patch.

    patch -p0 < dcrawplugin.patch
  8. Configure MythGallery. If dcraw is detected then this feature will be enabled by default. If you already have MythTV and the plugins installed, then you only need to worry about re-installing the MythGallery plugin. The following command will enable only MythGallery.

    ./configure --disable-all --enable-mythgallery --enable-opengl --enable-exif --enable-new-exif --enable-dcraw

    If you have a custom color profile, specify it with the icc-profile option. You don't have to specify a full path if your profile is in the /usr/share/color/icc directory. The following command is an example that configures the plugins for my system.

    ./configure --disable-all --enable-mythgallery --enable-opengl --enable-exif --enable-new-exif --enable-dcraw --icc-profile=6131_PS.ICC
  9. Build and install the plugins. For more information, see the official build instructions.

    qmake mythplugins.pro
    sudo make install
  10. Restart the mythfrontend.
